Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Christmas Tree Adventure

We are real Christmas tree people.
We've tried fake trees in years past and had bad luck.
Also, I hate pulling them out, straightening all the branches and putting them together.
Plus real trees smell so nice.

So this is our 2011

Christmas Tree Adventure

2 adults
4 boys
1 dog
and an unsuspecting tree.

J- insisted that it was warm outside and would not wear a jacket. (30 degrees. Stubborn a little?)
T - fell asleep during the 7 minute car ride to the tree lot.
CM and I held hands and sang Christmas songs along with the radio.
The dog sang too...

Finding the perfect tree.

Good thing I have all these strong guys to carry it out to the car while I take pictures.

We brought the tree inside and.... Whoops! It's a little big... it fills up the whole living room.

I can take care of that, snip snip.
The tree lost about 5 pounds! I wish it were that easy for me.

The boys hung the ornaments.
I gently encouraged them to hang the darling ones they made at school in years past
on the sides and back. I love them really, just not right out in front.

They each found their special ornament.
I hung the one for our angel baby.

I think it was a success! And so pretty.
I love my family!

Wishing you your own happy tree adventure,

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